Oct 30, 2024

Guerrilla Marketing: Creative Tactics for Brand Success

Guerrilla Marketing: Creative Tactics for Brand Success

Guerrilla Marketing
Guerrilla Marketing


If you have ever seen an ad and went, “What? Really?”. Then, you have witnessed the marketing tactic without realizing it. 

Used cleverly by multiple top brands, like 

  • Coca-Cola, 

  • KFC

  • Burger king

  • Budweiser

  • Airbnb

  • Samsung

Guerrilla marketing is a proven marketing technique to drive sales and increase brand awareness.  

Follow along to learn how 


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What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is an unconventional marketing tactic businesses use to attract new customers and boost sales.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, “Guerrilla” means - A member of an unofficial military group that is trying to change the government by making sudden, unexpected attacks on the official army forces 

It focuses on taking the customers by surprise and creating a lasting impression through a public display. 

Jay Conrad Levison, an American business writer, popularized this term in his book “Guerrilla Marketing,” published in 1984.  

A Quick Example

Let us give you an example: A collab between KFC and Crocs.  

A fast food restaurant and a footwear company don’t have a lot of common ground. But You are going to remember this Fried Chicken Crocs for a long time. 

Which makes this collaboration, Effective, Memorable, and Surprising

Advantages of Guerrilla Marketing

The first and foremost benefit is that - It’s cost-effective

Businesses Need Not spend a fortune on advertising. Investments are in terms of original ideas, imagination, and creativity.  

Other benefits include, 

  1. Creates a Buzz: Guerrilla marketing creates a buzz and is more memorable than traditional advertising.

  1. Increased brand awareness: With high word-of-mouth potential, it can reach a wider audience and go viral on social media.

  1. Engages customers: The marketing tactic triggers emotions and connects with customers on a personal level. 

  1. Memorable: With factors of surprise and shock, guerrilla marketing creates a lasting impression in customers’ minds. 

  1. Stand Out from Competitors- With a unique and unconventional approach, you can distinguish yourself from your competitors. 

While the marketing tactic has proven to be highly successful when used correctly, it is accompanied by certain cons. 

Disadvantages of Guerrilla Marketing

  1. Controversies -  When not planned appropriately, the message could be perceived in a negative essence and could ruin the brand image. 

  1. Unpredictable - The success of an ad or campaign is unpredictable and could take months to see results. 

  1. Non-Measurable - Unlike current marketing techniques, guerrilla marketing cannot be tracked with clear metrics. 

  1. Small-scale - Guerrilla marketing is most effective when used locally or at a small-scale level, limiting its reach. 

  1. Lack of Unique Ideas - It is resource-intensive and requires top-notch creativity, time, effort, and imagination. 

Popular Guerrilla Marketing Types

1. Event Ambush Marketing

As the name implies, a brand “ambushes” a major event to gain the attention of people. Often, these businesses don’t pay the sponsorship fees and gain exposure with minimum investment. 

Example: During the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Baviara Beer carried out a harmless stunt, that involved - 36 Fans wearing bright orange miniskirts, which attracted quite a lot of attention. 

2. Astroturfing

Also called grassroots marketing, here, marketing materials are planted online and in real life. They are made to look natural but are, in fact, part of a strategic plan to leave a positive impression.  

Example: Donald Trump used fake Facebook followers during America’s presidential elections. Only 42% of Trump’s followers were Americans. The rest of the follower accounts were probably fake and originated from developing countries.  

3. Buzz Marketing

Buzz marketing aims to create buzz and word-of-mouth publicity, using online platforms like blogs and social media. This marketing strategy is done around the launch of the newest product or service to generate conversation.  

Example: Starbucks builds buzz around the launch of their seasonal drinks like pumpkin spice lattes and iced pineapple matcha. They do it through influencer marketing and social media. 

4. Stealth Marketing 

Stealth marketing involves advertising products or services in more of a subtle way. This could be product placements in movies or creating Faux controversy to generate interest. 

 Example: The presence of Starbucks cups in one of the scenes in the popular HBO TV show “Game of Thrones” created a conversation on the funny and unexpected presence. 

5. Experiential Marketing  

In experiential marketing, businesses connect with their customers through memorable experiences. This could be a free sample of drinks, pop-up stores, or subway stairs painted to look like piano keys.  

Example: Coca-Cola launched an interactive vending machine using 3D technology, touch screens, and live video, invoking emotions in India and Pakistan.  


Guerilla marketing is a controversial yet effective marketing technique you can employ to build your brand awareness. Typically, this marketing strategy is best for brands that intend to target local audiences and benefit from word-of-mouth potential. 

Remember, the customer is king, and you must delight them to sell your product or service. 

Do you have the investment but lack original, creative ideas? Well, We can help you out. After all, we are a team of Visionaries with Creativity and Imagination. 

Let’s work together and craft unforgettable ads! 

Click Here to Reach Out to US!

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